I'm Tryin' to Drink Away the Part of the Day that I Cannot Sleep Away
Attempt 3 at keeping a regular schedule fell flat. You know what? Fuck it. I am never gonna timely with this. Maybe it will just be for my kid as a "Where was I then" report card of sorts.
This is for you Rey:
Since last time...
10/05 - Went to FL for company meetings. Realized that people generally don't like other people upon first meeting them. Drank a lot (Free Bar,) pissed off my boss multiple times and realized I don't want to work for him anymore.
11/05 - Fired from Rhino Videogames. For "looking for another job." I shit you not, word for word from the cocksucker's mouth to my ears. My former boss and I had a couple of altercations that led to my dismissal beginning with the aforementioned pissing him off multiple times in FL. I am assuming the straw that broke his back though was my straight up playing his punk card in regards to my child. I am not the type of person to use my kid as a way to skirt responsibilities. However in this case Peanut was running a temp of 102 and we had had no other option but for me to stay home with her. I went out of my way to go to the store (an hour and 15 mins away mind you) at 10:30 pm to do my weekly paperwork for the store and find my replacement for the next day. The next night Cocksucker calls me at home and yells at me that I didn't ask permission to have the day off and I make enough money to afford a babysitter and topped it off with "just drop her off with your Mom, that's what she's there for!" I hung up on him. After calming downing I called him back and told him that his actions were inappropriate and uncalled for and if that was how he felt then I couldn't work for him anymore, because if I am being forced to choose between my daughter and my job - I will pick my kid everytime. He apologized and assured me that wasn't necessary he made a poor judgment call and was sorry for his comments. He fired me 6 days later. If karma does exist, then there is a special spot in Hell waiting for him.
11/05 - Bit the fucking bullet and went back to Sam Goody, working for my friend Kelly.
11/05 - Rediscover that working at Sam Goody and not being manager is pretty damn refreshing.
12/05 - Start volunteering at my aunt's screen printing shop on my off days. Look at me I'm learning a trade.
12/24/05 - Rey vomits like clockwork for 12 hours. (She vomited on Santa also, he still left her toys.)
1/1/06 - Happy New Year!
1/6/06 - here we are
The UPDATED cast ----
Kelly - manager to the star...Me
Brandon - Assistant to Kelly AKA Branflakes, Branbo, Brananarama
Chad - 3rd Key, his band was recently signed and will soon be leaving. Chad and I have been down for a long time. I trained him in 4 years ago he is my protege, I will miss him greatly.
Justin - 3rd Key, my other protege trained him in 3 years ago, he told me today he is bi-sexual. Still not sure what to do with that info. I hope he doesn't leave also. I would miss him too
Tidbits for Rey.
1. Comic books ARE a viable form of literature. (No matter what your Mother says)
2. Right now Morningwood, The White Stripes and Red Bull are getting me functioning in the morning contrary to your inability to sleep through the night. I love you!
3. You are the reason I get out of bed most of the time, always remember that.
"If you think holding hands is all in the fingers, grab a hold of the soul where the memory lingers."

Rey AKA Fatlip 10/28/05
P.S. -This is what the alphabet would look like if Q and R were removed.
P.S.S. Contrary to the title, I drink very little. It a line from a Modest Mouse song.