Back once again with some real life shit.
Ok so the diary for my daughter didn't happen, mainly cause I am lazy. In my absence I have moved back to my started a job, moved back to my hometown, and watched my child turn into a pretty amazing little person. However, I am mentally in shambles and I am not sure how to fix the problems....I am having trouble even identifying them. Maybe I should keep this blog (what a stupid thing to call an online journal) updated and perhaps a pattern to my illness will emerge. Who knows.
Good things today:
1. I had a VERY productive day at work.
2. New Meat 2 impressed by actually having a strong work ethic
3. RAAAAAY brought me a copy of Shoalin Monks and Burnout: Revenge (even though have no time to play games)
4. Got all the laundry done and folded.
5. May get 4 hours of sleep tonight.
6. Only have 16 hours before I get to hang out with the Peanut.
7. Tory got a job locally (we both have been driving an hour + to work everyday)
Pissers today:
1. Worked 13 hours today.
2. Touree's job is for less pay
3. I hate two of my employees
4. The fact that business ethics dictates that you shouldn't fire someone because you hate them
5. The fact that Cavity Creep and New Meat 1 don't know I hate them.
I should probably also run down the cast list for my personal mellowdrama---
docbooty - Me aka Captain Copacetic
Touree - My Wife aka All that is Lovely
Peanut - My Baby Girl aka The best thing I ever did
Capt. Bastard - My Best Friend aka My Hetero (?) Life Partner
The Rhino Drama Club
Randy (Amanda) - My Assistant Manager
RAAAAAY (Rayann)- My Inventory Specialist
Cavity Creep (Lisa)- Another Keyholder
New Meat 1 (Brandon) - a CSR
New Meat 2 (Shane)- a CSR
I went from working in a music store to working in a video game store, is it possible that I have maturity issues?
Song I like today ----- "Your Missus is a Nutter" Goldie Looking Chain

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