Midnight Rambler aka Frustration Ventilation Device

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Wile E. Coyote Esq. - SUPER GENIUS

I have decided to keep a diary for my daughter who should be out of my wife towards the end of August. These entries will be labeled "Evangeline Rey" and will appear chronologically.

No matter how hard I fight it, i have become an adult.

No one can really conceive how bad this is, I have grown up. There was no warning, no notice, nothing. I just woke up one day and BANG found much to my dismay, I had grown up.
I gave up on college, started working at a music store (which I suggest to anyone - it's the coolest fucking job in the world) and spent most of my days high as a kite and with kindred spirits. It was decidedly good times.

To be Continued.....