Please allow me to re-introduce myself, my name is Hov. H to the OV.
Evangeline Rey was born on 9-2-04,

As of this writing it is 2:57 AM and Rey has just now fallen asleep. She has been running a slight fever all evening and apparently the only remedy was for her to scream for four solid hours.
We had a midnight opening for Halo 2 on monday night, we were busy for exactly 15 mins because this is small town Indiana and anyone who is awake at 12 AM on a monday night is at their factory job. (That came out really bitter, I am trying to remain positive) My boss said we must participate because that drives business, which is true, but we are a small store in a small town - not Indianapolis. oh well, i knew of the bullshit involved when i took the position. I will sum up with a not funny riddle: When is working in a music store not fun? When you run the motherfucker.
Top 3 albums i recommend you buy at Sam Goody because i am a publicity whore:
Copeland - Know Nothing Stays the Same
The Killers - Hot Fuss
Live - Awake: The Best of Live
R.I.P. Ben & Marissa's relationship 2002-2004